My Acne Journey and How I cured My Acne

I wish I could tell you that I have a degree in dermatology, I don’t.

What I have instead, is over 10 years of dealing with acne and the experience with every method out there. If a dermatologist has a ton of books and methods on acne, then I have a ton of hands-on experience with it.
Of course new acne treatments are being invented everyday, so I can’t cover all of them. What I can do is sharing with you what worked for me. Sometimes I wish someone handed me their tips, but I was on my own on this.

I started to have my first pimple in fifth grade. Back then it’s no big deal, kind of a good thing as sign of growing up. Then all hell broke loose in middle school and I kept getting more and more acne on my face throughout middle school and high school.

Not until my early 20s that I was able to keep in under control. I still have acne until now, close to my periods. Some months are worse than others. However, my face is clear otherwise.

No one in my family has gone through the same experience, or not at the same extent. Some of my friends were fighting acne too, but I was too shy to ask. So I hope my personal experience will help you, because I certainly wish someone did share with me.

I’m not going to lie, it is going to be a long post. But just like journey and my experience with acne, it is a long process. Whatever method you want to try yourself, it is not going to be instant result.

It can be days before you see improvement.

It can be weeks before you are able to cure acne.

And it’s going to be months for your scars to go away.

But don’t be discourage, because keep on at it and be patient, your acne WILL be cured!

Still feeling impatient? That’s fine. See the link bellow to switch between pages to see how each method worked for me.

My acne journey - how to cure acne and bacne

My skin types and acne story

Like mention above, I had my first pimple in fifth grade, quite early compared to other kids. It’s just one lone pimple. No big deal.

Then you know how things went, acne started to spread all over my face, one after another. My mom never had acne, she has had perfect skin growing up. My sister did have some, and it got quite bad at times, but her face eventually cleared up.

They expected me to be the same way. So the only advice I got was that I should deal with it, my acne eventually will go away on its own. I was told not to touch, not to pop it, and just don’t worry about it.
Well, my acne didn’t go away. I started to use acne cream and face wash. That wasn’t helping much. So I hear you, anyone that is telling you to wash your face twice a day and your acne will go away? They are either lying, or don’t know what they are talking about.

Curing acne is a lot about keeping your skin clean. But for some of us, it’s more than that. For me, washing my face regularly was just not enough. I still patiently waited, thinking that it is going to go away.

Not until I tried my hand on a new acne treatment cream, which was really strong. My skin couldn’t take it anymore, so instead of clearing up the acne, the cream gave me huge red spots instead.

Then my sister decided to take me to a dermatologist to treat that spot. It was sort of an allergy symptom.
Luckily, the dermatologist not only paid attention to the allergic spot, she also worked with me on my acne issue. What she gave me was the most effective treatment I had so far. My acne cleared up in weeks, and everyone noticed the difference.

The bad thing is that, when I stopped going to the dermatologist, my acne came back. Slowly at first, but a couple months after the last visit to the dermatologist, my acne was back in full force.

Then a couple years went by, I noticed that my period starts to play hide and seek with me. I decided then to go to a gynecologist and found out that I have PCOS. This explains my crazy acne and oily skin, even past puberty age.

I was put on birth control, and things get better since. All this time, I still try my way through an exhaustive list of face wash and cream. I still can’t live without them now.

The Never Ending Journey

The thing is birth control cleared my face nicely, but not acne on my back. So it’s again a long journey on that. I’m currently still have scars and occasional breakouts on my back.

My face is now much clearer, but it is still a never-ending dependence on facewash and cream and birth control pills. This is why this blog is created to document my tried and true methods.

Keep in touch and let me know what worked for you too!

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